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Lecture: The Position of Color on the Horizon of Croatian Modern Sculpture

Time: April 9, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Academy of Fine Arts, Split (Hercegovačka ulica 65, Split, Croatia)

When writing about the history of sculpture, one usually favored discourses about form and its strength, the quality of the chosen materials, the importance of space and similar issues, whereas little room was devoted to the pictoral qualities of a sculptural work. However, many important examples throughout the history of freestanding sculpture and architectural sculpture were hidden behind a colored layer which served to achieve expressive and other qualities, which is a discovery we have come to relatively recently. The myth of sculpture as a phenomenon for which color is of trivial importance - or in which it appears merely as an integral part of the material from which the object itself is made, as is the case with bronze and stone - no longer applies. What testifies to this are the insights into the various roles and positions that color takes on for twentieth century sculpture.

During this three-part lecture which will be given by Dalibor Prančević PhD, Božo Kesić and Dora Derado, the speakers will present the roles and meanings of color, based on a selection of examples from the history of Modern sculpture in Croatia. They shall also examine the ways in which artists used color and what possible meanings are hidden behind their decisions.


The lecture is being organized as part of this year's Festival of Science, about which you can find out more on the following pages: Festival of Science (Facebook), Festival of Science Split (Facebook), Festival of Science (official web site).

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