Think Sculpture
We are extremely happy to present you all with the final product of the "Think Sculpture" (Misliti skulpturu) workshop that was held on October 5-6, 2018 in Split, Croatia! It was led by our project team leader, Dalibor Prančević and team member Barbara Vujanović in collaboration with the VAL Association (Vasko Lipovac association) and the Ivan Meštrović Gallery in Split of the Ivan Meštrović Museums.
On the link below, you can download the program booklet and accompanying working materials that resulted from the two-day workshop and the individual work of the texts' authors all through January and February.
The booklet comprises several essays written by art history doctoral students and graduate students as well as a foreword by the Crosculpture project leader - Dalibor Prančević.
The first day of the workshop was held in Vasko Lipovac's atelier where the participants had the opportunity to converse with Mario Lipovac (the director of the VAL Association) and prof. mag. Tadej Glažar from the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. The discussion was centered around the meaning of Vasko Lipovac's work for the city of Split.
The second part of the workshop was held at the Ivan Meštrović Gallery where Barbara Vujanović (Senior Curator of Atelier Meštrović in Zagreb) held a lecture and discussion on the topic "The Possibilities of Interpretation of a Sculptor's Activity: Zlatko Bourek and his Artistic Habitus" ("Mogućnosti interpretacije jednog kiparskog djelovanja: Zlatko Bourek i njegov umjetnički habitus").
The workshop was created with the aim of disseminating the project's results and popularizing art history.