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Yes - Art and Science Can Go Together

Just the other day (April 19th) our team members took part in the Festival of Science and held three presentations on the topic of "Sculpture and Science: Tracking Innovative Sculptural Procedures". The topic of this year's Festival of Science was "Discoveries" and the challenge to connect sculpture, or even art in general, to this idea, was embraced by our team wholeheartedly.

In this post, we wanted to share with you a few photos from the lectures and explain what they were about.


The history of sculpture vividly demonstrates how a medium of artistic expression can, throughout the centuries, be divided into several basic types of skills and activities. In this sense, it has retained its immutability, which is reflected primarily in the fact that most art styles and periods recognize the generally accepted division of sculpture into reliefs and free-standing sculpture. This is significantly altered in the twentieth century when, in accordance with all the changes going on at the time, new terms explaining characteristics of artworks are added to the nomenclature of the time. Of course, the twentieth century primarily shook up the given postulates and terminological labels as this is the time when artists, especially sculptors, begin to leave their ateliers - at least those in the traditional sense of the word - and step into workshops similar to those of some industrial plants. Artists are not only interested in technical and technological discoveries but, implementing them in their own practices, innovate the mediums of their own artistic expressions. It seems that a once very exclusive type of artistic production, such as sculpture, has now become a very inclusive medium which implies varying - even diametrically opposing - modes and ways of artistic formation and activity.

Through several topics, we demonstrated different innovative models of analyzing sculptural activity in which the germination of technical and technological discoveries can be seen, including discoveries in the fields of botany, medicine, kinetics and computer technology. The sculptural examples we provided came into existence as a result of visual exploration, factory production and procedures adopted from other areas of science and scientific discoveries.

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